
Squadbotik news

AI under control

The o1 Artificial Intelligence system from OpenAI hit the headlines during a chess game against Stockfish, the best traditional chess program. At some point in the game, o1 simply decided to cheat, to access the file system controlling the game, rewriting the match to its advantage,  forcing Stockfish to abandon. The community was then concerned to see this system capable of breaking the laws to achieve its ends.

By its conception and design, the AI ​​platform AITEK from Squadbotik works at the service of humans, under the supervision of humans, and can in no case develop a strategy contrary to the interest of the people it serves. All action plans (in the event of an alert) are traced at each stage, thus avoiding any slippage.

AITEK is an AI supervised by humans, at their service, for a safer world.

The korii article (in french) is here.


SquadBotik SA
Rue Saint-Pierre 18
1700 Fribourg – Switzerland